- Bridging Two States!!
National Association of Women in Construction
Fargo-Moorhead, ND #246 - PO Box 763 - Fargo, ND 58107-0763
www.nawicfm246.org - Email: nawicfm246@gmail.com
- Women focused
- Courageous Leadership
- Commitment to inclusion and growth
- Anticipate change
To strengthen and amplify the success of women in the construction industry.
Copyright Fargo-Moorhead, ND Chapter #246. All rights reserved.
Facts about - NAWIC Fargo-Moorhead, ND #246
MEETINGS: The Chapter meets on the second Thursday of each month. There are two Regional meetings held each year - Spring Forum and Fall Conference and one National Annual Conference held in August. (see the Events tab for details)
PROGRAMS: A variety of tours, hands-on projects or speakers pertaining to construction, networking and/or personal and professional development events.
NEF BLOCK KIDS: A building block competition designed to promote an early interest in the construction industry among students in Kindergarten through 6th grade.
NFE DESIGN DRAFTING: A Hand and/or CAD competition designed to bring real world drafting problems to high school students - grades 9 - 12 and College students - 2 year and 4-year Freshman to first year Seniors.
FUNDRAISERS: To raise funds for the Chapter's Education K-12, College (including Scholarships and Adult programs.
GOLF: A one day tournament open to both men and women golfers. Held 2001-2013 and in 2021 NAWIC partnered with CSI (Construction Specifications Institute) to hold a joint golf tournament.
OTHER: From 1998 - 2018 the Chapter held a live Auction. In 2019 we held our first Hammer-Slammin' Tournament and Silent Auction. Annual Hard Hat Happy Hour, Hammer-Slammin Tourney is held during WIC Week.
SCHOLARSHIP: Each year, our Chapter designates funds to award scholarship to students who are studying in a construction related field at one of our many local colleges and universities. It is administered by the NAWIC Founders Scholarship Foundation (NFSF) under the name of FM246's Onie Loeks Memorial Scholarship. Applications are due to NFSF by February 28th and recipients are notified by June 1st. Proceeds from the CSI/NAWIC FM246 golf tournament will also be used to present a scholarship.
WIC WEEK: The first full week in March each year is designated as Women in Construction (WIC) Week. NAWIC Chapters across the country make a special effort to promote NAWIC and celebrate their Chapter's successes through activities and promotions.
DUES: - Vary depending on the membership classification click on Online Application for details. Dues must be paid before acceptance as a member.